Month: October 2023

  • Exploring Python Libraries for Climate & Environmental Justice

    As featured in “Python in Plain English“ 9/20/23 Let’s discuss how to use Python, a widely use­d programming language, for Environmental and Climate Justice. In this post we will provide a very basic background and understanding of how to use Python. Python offers an exte­nsive range of libraries and tools for dive­rse applications, including the fields…

  • Satellite Imagery : One Size Doesn’t Fit All

    Since the launch of the first civilian observation satellite, Landsat-1, in 1972, satellite imagery has profoundly transformed diverse fields from cartography to meteorology. By providing an unparalleled aerial view of the Earth’s surface, satellites have enabled us to monitor, analyze, and understand our planet in unprecedented ways. To tap the true potential of satellite data…

  • Understanding Adaptation and Mitigation

    Understanding Adaptation and Mitigation

    Definitions, Differences, and Geospatial Considerations tl;dr This article introduces the concepts of climate change adaptation and mitigation, highlighting their differences and the role of geospatial science. Adaptation involves adjusting systems to reduce damages and exploit opportunities, while mitigation aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Differences include objectives, benefits, costs, and timing. Geospatial science plays a…